id: 7d.4-leadership title: 7D.4 Leadership meta: The leadership that should be demonstrated by all Supervisors. order: 4 auth: supervisors #

7D.4 Leadership #

7D.4.1 #

Accountability exists for everyone within the team, and therefore Controllers are expected to utilize any feedback given to improve. Supervisors should{.red} make every effort to give both positive and negative feedback to Controllers (even if they are not in the Check Ride phase). When the opportunity exists and if deemed necessary (see 7D.4.4 below), Supervisors can add a “note” to the Controller’s record on the website by following the steps below:

Step 1

: Go to website and login via the “Dashboard”

Step 2

: Select “Controllers” from the navigation bar at the top of the screen

Step 3

: Utilize the “search” function to find the Controller

Step 4

: Select their name from under IFC and then “notes” from the navigation bar on their profile

Step 5

: Applicable notes can be added and then saved by clicking “Add Note”

7D.4.2 #

When giving feedback, Supervisors should{.red} follow the below points to ensure that it is proportionate, valid and in keeping with the team ethos:

*E.g. you see that the Controller’s base turn is starting to slip further downwind and terrain is a factor, you suggest in the #controllers Discord channel that the Controller sends [callsign] further upwind before turning them downwind to help build space that can then be used to bring the base turn back. This is an example of targeted advice that is being sent to try and alleviate the current situation

7D.4.3 #

Supervisors may assist in general matters within IFATC, but must{.red} leave other sensitive requests to the appropriate groups (i.e. violations to the Appeals Team, recruiting questions to Recruiters and training questions to Trainers).

7D.4.4 #

It is highly encouraged that Supervisors use the “note” function to record both positive and negative feedback for Controllers. This is always taken into consideration when Controllers are considered for promotions within IFATC and therefore (no matter how minor), will help track trends or potential issues that may arise in the future. Supervisors should{.red} take note that, by definition, an absence of negative notes indicates a good track record.